Diaries: What to Do?

I was for quite some time bewildered as to what web application I could use for a private diary or journal. I carried out web searches and tested a few different applications (as well as software). I just couldn’t find anything that set out the journal in a way that I liked. The other thing was the fact that I like to test out web applications. So I just had to test out as many as I could. In the end I couldn’t settle on anything that I really liked.

Penzu seemed good – and it is. However, it didn’t have enough formatting options for me and I would have liked more ability to customize it also. But I didn’t want to let go of Penzu – especially if it improved over time and more features were added. Of course, there was always the concern about a web application suddenly closing down as well. What to do?

Suddenly it occurred me – what about WordPress.com? I love WordPress and use it for pretty much all of my Blogs – though I also have other Blogs that I use on Tumblr and Posterous for example (I love testing web applications remember). If there was a private option on WordPress.com than that would be brilliant – and there was. So that was the answer for me – use WordPress for my journal.

So I use both Penzu and WordPress, posting the same entries to both platforms. I like to use Namo WebEditor to write and format my enteries first though, just as I do for all of my WordPress Blogs. It gives me much more control that way. Of course Penzu is still limited in that area.

I thought I’d share that on the News at the Portal Blog because it could be a useful way for people to write their own diaries or journals should they wish to. Don’t rule out WordPress.com as an option – it’s great.

Visit WordPress.com at:

Visit Penzu at: