With the Passing of Time so Much has Passed

For reasons I have no real inclination to get into at the moment, I haven’t been doing a lot on the web for some time – for a couple of years really. I have several Blogs that I have continued to maintain, but my websites, web applications and various social networks have all been let go and allowed to go to cyberspace fallow.

Hopefully all of that is beginning to change. I have awoken from my slumber, though I’m still in that place where I could easily go back to sleep if I don’t cultivate my regathered interest in all things online where I have a presence. It has been a measured return, taking just small steps and moving towards much larger ones. Enthusiasm is gathering pace and interest is quickly returning.

How things have gone by the wayside though with the time that has passed. Warmly embraced places I called home have ceased to be – Glitch, Accomplish, etc. Others have moved on with great panache, making significant strides into their future and obviously mine as I try to make up for lost time. Such small amounts of time on the Web can mean tremendous change and movements forward, that one can be easily left behind and seemingly struggling to make up the lost ground. Such has been the case with Evernote, my all time favourite app and others also. Of course a whole host of new and amazing social networks and web applications have burst onto the scene as well and I am very keen to find out more about plenty of them.

So for a fresh and renewed start, the Blog here has also been revitalised with a coat of new paint and trim. I am keen to get started again and have a whole wonderful bag of new toys and tricks to check out via my various saved bookmarks, with a good number of them to be added to my Portal home. Some will also need to be cleared out as they have greatly diminished with the passing of time and others have simply died and disappeared into the annals of cyber memory, never to rise again.

Kevin’s Portal: The Latest News

I have had an extended break from much of my online web presence over the last 6 months, so plenty has changed over that time. Not necessarily intended change on my part, but change there has been. I have had to change hosting companies on some sites, web applications and social networks have come and gone, undergone change, etc. So as try to put all of the pieces together again, I will try and keep things updated on my progress in this Blog.

Kevin’s Portal: Shelfari Removed

I have just removed Shelfari from my social networks and web applications at Kevin’s Portal. I am no longer using this site and have posted about it at my Blog ‘At the BookShelf.’

Visit the post at:


Kevin’s Portal: Overhaul Completed – Normal Blogging to Continue

The overhaul of Kevin’s Portal is now complete and it has been a massive work. The site has increased in size tenfold plus – and that’s a big plus! I hope the site is even more useful to visitors and a help to those interested in my online activities.

What’s to come now that I have this overhaul in the bag? Well, I will continue to add new social networks and web applications to Kevin’s Portal as I discover and begin to use them. I don’t expect there to be any major changes to the site now for the the foreseeable future – phew!!! I am thinking about some additional content at some point – being mainly a page about the software I use to create my online presence, such as Internet browsers, HTML editor, etc. That is down the track however.

Visit the new look site at:


Kevin’s Portal: Latest Update

I have been tinkering with the web applications and social networks listing on the page. I have decided to add links to all of the sites I use so that any interested visitor can check them out for themselves. I am identifying those sites that I have a public profile on and that I have linked to elsewhere on the page with a simple * at the front of the link. The list is not yet 100% completed – and will end up quite large as I do tend to test and use a large number of sites for one reason or another.



I have just started to use the Bundlr social network/web application this evening. This could be a great little tool that will allow me to bundle (hence the name) resources from around the web into collections of curated content. I should hopefully be able to embed this information into other websites in the future. It should be a great tool for some of my other sites and I am already experimenting with it for the kevinswilderness.com site. Links to my Bundlr profile and to Bundlr itself have now been added to Kevin’s Portal.

Visit my Bundlr profile at:



One of the tools I use a lot is Evernote and a link to this tool will be added to Kevin’s Portal tonight also. There are no public profiles for Evernote, though there is the ability to have shared folders and to share individual files with others and other sites. I will use Bundlr to form a curated page for Evernote also so that I can promote this brilliant tool. Evernote is my favourite tool in the cloud and it can be used on all manner of mobile devices and computers.

My Bundlr Evernote page will be at: