With the Passing of Time so Much has Passed

For reasons I have no real inclination to get into at the moment, I haven’t been doing a lot on the web for some time – for a couple of years really. I have several Blogs that I have continued to maintain, but my websites, web applications and various social networks have all been let go and allowed to go to cyberspace fallow.

Hopefully all of that is beginning to change. I have awoken from my slumber, though I’m still in that place where I could easily go back to sleep if I don’t cultivate my regathered interest in all things online where I have a presence. It has been a measured return, taking just small steps and moving towards much larger ones. Enthusiasm is gathering pace and interest is quickly returning.

How things have gone by the wayside though with the time that has passed. Warmly embraced places I called home have ceased to be – Glitch, Accomplish, etc. Others have moved on with great panache, making significant strides into their future and obviously mine as I try to make up for lost time. Such small amounts of time on the Web can mean tremendous change and movements forward, that one can be easily left behind and seemingly struggling to make up the lost ground. Such has been the case with Evernote, my all time favourite app and others also. Of course a whole host of new and amazing social networks and web applications have burst onto the scene as well and I am very keen to find out more about plenty of them.

So for a fresh and renewed start, the Blog here has also been revitalised with a coat of new paint and trim. I am keen to get started again and have a whole wonderful bag of new toys and tricks to check out via my various saved bookmarks, with a good number of them to be added to my Portal home. Some will also need to be cleared out as they have greatly diminished with the passing of time and others have simply died and disappeared into the annals of cyber memory, never to rise again.

Kevin’s Portal: Latest Update

I am currently overhauling the site to make it a little more useful. I think it was beginning to become a little too overcrowded and all over the place on the main page (what was the only page). This overhaul will be completed and go live on the 1st June 2011. There will be no further news or updates on this Blog until then – which isn’t too far away. Stay tuned.